
Accounting, tax and other services

We evaluate your business’ income, expenses, assets and liabilities on a continuous basis (monthly/two monthly/quarterly), in order to give you a report to monitor your performance. The more you know about your business’ performance, the better decisions you can make.

We evaluate whether your business is solvent (assets vs liabilities), liquid (cash flow), profitable and the return on assets, based on accounting ratios.

We provide personal and valuable services to all our clients and have experience in the following industries:

  • Farming
  • Transport
  • Mining
  • Doctors
  • Wholesale and retail

The services as referred to above includes the following aspects:

Accounting and VAT submission services

  1. Processing of the accounting records on a 2 monthly basis;
    (i.e. cash book, creditors accounts, debtors accounts, loan accounts, etc)
  2. The reconciliation of the cash book, debtors accounts, creditors accounts, loan accounts, etc.
  3. The reconciliation of the VAT control account, including input and output VAT reconciliation, as well as the completion and submission of the VAT returns, via SARS e-filing;
  4. Handling of the VAT review queries as requested by SARS;
  5. Following up of VAT refunds with SARS where the time limit as set out in the VAT Act are not complied with;

Compliance to the Tax Act – Provisional and Annual returns

  1. Bi-annual preparation and submission of the provisional tax returns;
  2. Where necessary, the preparation and submission of the third and final provisional tax returns;
  3. The completion and submission of the Annual Income Tax Return;
  4. Review of the assessment issued by SARS for the tax year, and where necessary the submission of the relevant objections against incorrect tax assessments;

Financial Statements

The preparation and finalising of the Annual Financial Statements;

Management Statements

The preparation and finalising of monthly/quarterly/bi-annually Management Statements;

SARS Audits

The handling of an audit that is requested by SARS and the submission of supporting documents required;

Payroll services

Providing of monthly payslips, submission of PAYE/UIF/SDL returns at SARS, submission of monthly UIF return at the Department of Labour;

Consulting and cash flow budgets

Normal tax consulting related to your business.

Specific consulting and the preparation thereof where intensive research and time is spend;

BB-BEE “exempt micro enterprise” certificates

Providing annual exemption certificates;

Secretarial services

CIPC annual returns, registration of companies and trusts, change of directors, etc;

Fee Structure and payments of services rendered

Our estimated fees are computed on the basis of time spent on your affairs as well as the level of skill and responsibility involved. The fees will be subject to review by us each year and may vary with a number of factors including the extent of the assistance we receive in preparing routine schedules and analyses.

It is our practice to provide estimates of our fees in advance of work commencing. Our fees will be invoiced on a regular basis, for work completed, and will be payable within 15 days of delivering the invoice. Interest will be charged on fees outstanding for more than 15 days at the prime lending bank rate. Should we need to make use of legal or other advisory services for collecting outstanding fees, you will be responsible for any expenses incurred.

We advise that you sign a debit order for your yearly fee to be paid on an equal and monthly basis in order to improve cash flow.

Estimated fees

Estimated fees can be provided based on your current business circumstances. After three months’ processing we will have a good idea of how much work and time the services pertains. If necessary to revise the estimated fees, we will discuss it with you first before the implementation thereof.

We trust that the services as set out above will cover your needs. If there is any service, or part of a service that we have not dealt with, you can contact us for a quotation.